was born on 31.1.1966 in Aberdeen scotland. He grew up in Hannover Germany, where he took lessons in playing violin, trompet and later drums. at the age of 14, he played in a punk band, that left its marks on his furthewr musical career. At the same time he started playing records on school- and privat partys, influenced by several punk bands from that time, such as the “plastic funk” of the 80th. He began professional DJing to spread his musik. He wanted everybody to be able to share in his sound. Musical he leaned on his early club dates on funk, soul, hip hop and r&b. End of the 80th, he then started playing Detroit-house style and became more known in the scene. Meanwhile he plays in clubs all over the world. His prefered styles now are: ELECTRO-HOUSE, TECHNO, NOIZE, PROGRESIVE and NU-SKOOL-BREAKS
+ + + R I P + + +
Marc Feind has passed away in July 2010
… we will never forget you
this is Marc´s last mixtape, play it loud!
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Marc Feind – SUPERSTYLIN´ – july 2010 by Marc Feind
Bodo Felusch – “What Words Could Never Explain…In Memory Of Marc Feind”
these techno-classics are for you…
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[button url=”…In_Memory_Of_Marc_Feind_-_(DJ-Mix)_-_%5B2010-08-06%5D.mp3″ target=”_blank” color=”blue” ]Download —> right click —> save target as[/button]