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Sven Brede – Think Big | Medley

Released 26 September 2013

Sven Brede is a Berlin based Artist and he is well experienced in releasing great tunes on labels such as Highgrade, MBF, Gastspiel or Kling Klong to name a few. His style is unique and the more often you listen to one of his tracks the more things are to discover. Think Big is a deep groove track that builds up with strings and melody spiced with short vocal samples, it creates a strong atmosphere and catches attention. Medley is the second track of the release and feels a bit deeper but is also based on a deep groove rhythm. Short vocals come from behind and add a perfect thrill to a deep bomb. Overall both tracks hooks up in your mind on their own way that Sven Brede stands for. Individual high quality music for people who search the secret pearls.

Supported by

Iris (Label manager Fatal Music Group) | Netherlands

“Love the deep, funky grooves. very nice release!”

DJ RIM-K (Radio show Soundtraffic on FM Brussel) | Belgium

“Medley works for me Full support !!”

Miguel Antonio | USA

“Think Big is an awesome track. Great blend of elements and a groove that doesn’t stop. Full support on that one. Medley is not bad, but the vocals are not really working in my opinion. Would probably re-edit the track to play out live. Overall a good release.”

Livio Sandro | Germany

“Thing big is full of groove and hell yeah: a nice melody is here.
Support! Medley is groovin’ too but my fav’ stays Think Big.”

Athan | Greece

” Thing Big for me!!”

Mike S. | Germany

“Gimme more Strings!!!! Sven Brede hat mich erhört. Geile Nummer, schöne Flächen.”

Alessio Frino | Italy

“Nice! Medley in rotation”

Yrelav | France

“Nice release, thanks!”

Tony Ohms | USA

“Think Big : Love the rhythms & bass in this one.. Cool Progression & brings the suspense on thick..
Medley: The lush stabs right from the intro sold me immediately.. The vocal snippets & dirty sounds are icing on the cake.. Progressive stormer..”

Oscar Vazquez | Spain

“great tracks, Think Big is in my playlist”

Johan Dresser | Colombia

“Great Work!”

Thelonious Funk | USA

“Think Big is ok for me to give it a shot…”


“Sexy …will play at Disco Paradise “

Dirty Rhythm Syndicate | UK

“Both great tracks, and i will support in my my dj sets and radio shows on Vega radio (central & south America) plus Proton radio. Thanks for sending.”

Lorenzo Marrucci | Italy

“Medley is really cool!I will play it for sure!Thanks!”

Deepsense | Russian Federation

“will try, great work!”

Tali Freaks | Italy

“medley will do 4 me.. in my set “

Tom Leclercq | Belgium

“Nice EP, hard to pick a fav “

Sasha Le Monnier | UK

“Thanks Nice Ep, espcially Medley “

Ivelgo | Equador

“Nice track! will play at frisky radio and 16bit.fm”

d-phrag | Bulgaria

“Think Big sounds great”

DepGlobe | The Netherlands

“I like Think Big!”

Nino Hengst | Germany


V-Obsession | Spain

“10/10 Think big is really awesome! So emotive. Really love this kind of progressive. Medley is perfect for the first hours. Really great release. Wiil play for sure in my radioshow. Full support!!”

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  1. Bodo Felusch

    I´m proud to announce Mr. Marion Cobretti to the Unvirtual-Music artist rooster with his very first release "Flight Of The Nightingale" …three tracks of proper Techno with a unique vision of sound. Welcome Mario …keep it up! …the world need your sound. I´m very happy to be the first one publishing your works! …too much idiots at big labels are good for me:)


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